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dovetown could be something more in the future, but as stated in the index, its pretty bare right now. Archive so I can keep up with my character info.

*p.s some of my art may have aspects of gore whether it be light or heavy and also weird/dark topics. it can be pretty unusual in general sometimes so if you dont like that i dont reccommend staying here. Also just because I depict it doesnt mean I condone it in real life and this goes for possibly many of the things I will do here so yeah.
fun fact: This website started off as something called 'vessel44' for some reason. I dont know where i was going with this, but quickly realised it was very lame and just changed it. Eventually it became dovetown..

*double p.s it is probably obvious from it all but i am not good at describing my characters personalities fully so just take what you will from the occasional art i will drop here and anything else hahaha...Also yes every page has a different vibe.


jack (also go by kll5, pseudo_Medium) I do alot of strange stuff including make this website. i am a big fan of mai kawasumi and harvester (the game). also randal ivory and mindless self indulgence (and nirvana and many other different types of things in this world).
My favourite color is green and i like mathematics. I spend most of my time on the internet. i may as well be am achine :^)

email is

^^if it takes me a while to reply its because my email checking is quite sporadic so sorry in advance hahaha