TOMEK .....

Species : Guy

Age: 19

Height: 5'8.5

A young man/woman/i dont know anymore he changes when he feels like it of Polish origin.
Likes playing point and click games. Favourite animal is a squid.
Does not care for anime but he likes reading manga sometimes.
Has a job. Owns the house they all live in yay! Plays music too loudly on weekends
Likes girls. Surprisingly has more friends then youd think. Favorite color is blue.
Birthday is September 9th. Likes cleaning. Likes to play multiplayer games with 2999.
William is rude to him because of course he is.
Also likes going to ikea and spending all his money there.
Has too many clothes
Favourite song is Primadonna Girl


more images will be added later (i havent drawn him much lately hahaha)